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PPP Forgivable Loans Will be Unforgiving for Many

PPP Forgivable Loans Will be Unforgiving for Many

From my article on Many small business owners who have been approved for Paycheck Protection Program loans (“PPP”) are realizing that the loan isn’t as forgivable as they’d hoped. The amount a small business can qualify to have forgiven must primarily...

How to Obtain an SBA Coronavirus PPP Loan and Have It Forgiven

How to Obtain an SBA Coronavirus PPP Loan and Have It Forgiven

From my article on Entrepreneur The number-one pressure on small-business owners right now is payroll. Whether you’re a sole proprietor one-person-show or a company with 500 employees, you’ve certainly felt the pressure. Maybe you’ve already stopped paying yourself,...

2019 Tax Reporting for Your Self-Directed IRA

2019 Tax Reporting for Your Self-Directed IRA

Self-Directed IRA investors must be aware of their self-directed IRA tax reporting responsibilities.  Some of these items are completed by your IRA custodian and others are the IRA owner’s sole responsibility. Here’s a quick summary of what should be reported to the...

Published Work

VIP Contributor on Entrepreneur where I write on retirement, tax, and legal topics.

My article on real estate investment assigments was in Realtor Magazine, which is the largest real estate publication in the US

Attorney at Law magazine has covered my expertise and niche practice on Self-Directed IRAs in two separate articles

My article on how investors can purchase and sell crypto tax-free using a Roth IRA was featured at Cryptopedia.